Thai culture.The Thai new year. "To La-coming to pray to," he said. Thai etiquette is a cultural venue time greeting or farewell from the same "to offer as a show with best regard and honor each other. In addition to that, the term "Hello" and also expressed the meaning to "thank you" and "excuse me" to say one thing, it shows the friendship hospitality is a customary tradition, where the days are gradually fading in the Middle away from the Thai society with the majority of Thai youth inherit folklore.Ngachati and abiding like greeting each other with hand in hand with the head to nod or nod to welcome. Context usually takes the form of modesty is a Thai cultural show respect by Wai Wai elders or senior who is less. At present, the Group has become a cultural rather than a culture in society of all classes.Wayasahetu the Thai culture, Thai youth overlook great beauty is correct. Thai social etiquette, so distorted. The national culture Commission of Thailand has managed to spread the knowledge about the ongoing Thai manners and etiquette, except a handful of social networking and are as follows: 1. to recognize the attitude must be someone with patience. There is a modest but aggressive manner but does not show knowledge wise to boast rich and should not hit the always adults, even if they are intimate and familiar tattoo. whichever Pan.2. knowing about its teachings of good people to know about their reasons as follows: 7 passage of communities and individuals without making its own. Claims to other people interested in, or to create a center of attention in the us too. Sample Luang wichitwathakan warnings that say "keep doing well, but don't highlight will be a disaster. Nobody wants to see him too, we will, "he said. 3. to recognize the speech must not be keen to greet someone with a speech that will make people he was embarrassed in society and cannot talk eye to squint or frown to misappropriate noise making gestures made to lose the personality.4. to know the temper is known to persecute their own minds and not frantic to prevent in advance what should not advance: lack of awareness in a rage, no desires leash insolent is one important feature that is known of his emotion, the rice is not destructive of manners and speech not to be sarcastic irony or to instigate.5. the samruam verb to walk through, while the adults walk through adult, mature enough or if a bow is walk should not rush to cut in front of adults, should be stopped prior to or should not take phanklang while the adults talk.6. to recognize good posture during the qualification is regarded as a control, such as when we hear music should not shake the. Wag feet or tap tempo without selecting the place where such an action is considered as a symptom of poor control of bodily movement and is not suitable for temperate.7. considerate hospitality here. The social integration, were happy with love and understanding. There should be more generous, caring generosity continued. Be considerate. With sympathetic attention to vagaries of those involved as well as its growing focus on important was to assist or help make society.8. help someone else as high virtue of being together in society. Red Cross young girl Scout Scout There are important ideological person "to help others," he said. Buddha's preaching that sermon patchim "shall have their advantages and benefit others by not to underestimate him," he said. The other is to help others or to perform for the benefit of others for the sake of social peace is global, there is peace. If people in the community know to help others. There is a sacrifice to the global benefits.
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