In the year B.E.In 2554, it was singing contest" in the list 7 through to 8 of the last 7 of them, as a man, there is a friend of another 4 women and 3 men, rubber tree, and the tree, the hell in which she had begun to recognize the image of the girl, and Saul Cooper, dribble or improvisingbeloved, it is the people who see you and the Board of Directors, with 3 personalities have more confidence in himself, and therefore she can be performances and not clumsy and nervous [ 5] she is also a high independenceSo, she has been a good word to all [ 6in last week of the competition she was sick, they are not able to perform at the end of the top. She had a secondary office" award winning blue star 7 year single album is her chance.As ครป Note in the format, which feels like a diary of her album cover design, it with her own.
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