The Masai people dress up to dress differently according to their ages. Gender and location. In the past The Masai people clad body with sheep skin leather, for example, in the case of a woman and a man take care of the calf herd of animals by animal leather cover, it is called Chu, Osaka. In the current language, but those who put sugar coat cotton top was purchased by. Market tightness of cover and the people there are always red Masai live as the colors of the Masai tribes. However, other colors such as blue, black, pink, with a bar, take coats, floral, or chess with Masai women sometimes wear kangka or Kang, a popular Osaka (Ka.Nga or Khanga), which is popular in East Africa by tribes is a rectangular cloth, a fabric that is 1.5 m wide and 1 m long, with a pattern around the outside of the fabric strips, and also found that the people who live in the Masai, a popular coastal strip wear kik FDA (Kikoi), which looks like the group or against. In addition to this. Masai villagers in Tanzania also wore Sandals made from thin cow.
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