Our world today is there is a change to more. All of the energy that was about to disappear, including the State global warming that will occur which cause changes of human craftsmanship, we are here myself. No matter who is going to do about it, but we are humans and we all have to share in the responsibility and be aware that this is our world. Therefore, these problems are going to happen, we can stop it! These problems, starting from the community, which is a residential area of the us first, and then gradually expand how to help our world to the nation further. Because the demand for energy of the country has increased rapidly in the world, with more than 50 percent of the required energy is imported from abroad. Where the price of energy imports, the volatility is at all times. Result in instability in the supply and use of energy of the country. At the same time, domestic natural resource that can be produced and used as energy, reduced volume, which might have caused the warming conditions in the aftermath. And in another of those natural resources, it is likely that it will disappear in the final, in which these concepts are ideas that spark ideas my father to realize and remember all of the power is going to the end of the world; My father is considered to be a person, for example, is a leader in the community in the field of application of sufficiency economy in households, according to Roy, his Majesty the King. By producing biodiesel with the use of private cars. The main raw material for making it available for the household, for example, the use of vegetable oil and then after cooking fried oil, or type anything in the kitchen for the refinery does not need to be set to a larger factory. My father just scrap materials in the home, such as pip (charcoal stove), fireplace, pot and water tanks. In the research, try biodiesel production from vegetable oils that are used each time. My father has many knowledge discovery from biodiesel production, etc. that biodiesel reduces wear-Engine parts because there is a lubricant rather than diesel oil. Moreover, biodiesel can reduce exhaust pollution of motor is causing global warming because there is no substance in bio-diesel, sulfur and diesel oil are oxygen, rather than from the PI grow, liam Burns completely carbon monoxide gas does not cause and what their parents are considered very important, because we use renewable energy as we bring new products and be able to do. To help renew our energy world left them anymore. After my father many times, until the trial is a success. His father had published knowledge and demonstrate how to produce biodiesel, with people in the community who are interested in. Bringing knowledge to their own household. My father said, "if we really want to make someone follow the example of the us, we'd make him see that our work before." My father is a very successful after the spread of knowledge to people in the community, and the general public. My father is a reputation that seemed to those common in the community, and is one of the countries that Thailand would like to user interested in understanding how to produce biodiesel from vegetable oil that is used in the style of hundreds. In addition to energy-saving method of a father I mentioned initially. I still have a way to save energy, reduce global warming in the community, such as changing a light bulb, tube worms is a lamp, do not wash in hot water. Hang the fabric instead of clothes dryers results in research, saying that throughout the lifetime of the carbon dioxide emissions from a 1 to a laundry drying for about 9 pounds each, which have caused global warming speeds up very much, regularly inspected for maintenance, repair, cleaning supplies, fire ฟ้.On a regular basis so that it works better, adopt clean energy such as wind power, solar power, biofuels, etc., to walk or ride a bicycle was to reduce energy, oil, and causing the air pollution has resulted in an Assembly.Greenhouse, or if those go over there it is necessary to use the vehicle if a neighbor is going places. Also, the same car will save oil into it, open the air temperature 25-26 degrees and should open the air from 3 and a half to put down further because of the use of this range, the air is used to make the rate charged per unit of power is thought to be another one that will result in rate to electricity has been.Prior to the closing time and mechanical air conditioners should be closed before the advance of approximately 10-30 minutes, because that's still cool in hot weather, but if it should not be open air, because it would make energy consumption by turning off lights and, Yes, Unplug or turn off the switches of electrical appliances all work pieces if we never need to use. These are just some ways that can help reduce global warming. But my heart is most important to make these activities occur, it is the people in the community for everyone who will need to be driven to maintain collaborative editing crisis that is going to happen to our world, because it didn't happen, just our nation only. It also affects a community and we live. If we do not make any initiative and a real community to do? Therefore, we need to know all the people in the community interested in energy conservation and natural resources is important. Green space conservation to create abundance and increases oxygen gas discount. -Carbon dioxide in their communities to help reduce global warming. Everyone in the community will be made continuously by using conscious thoughts carefully enough, I know believe that our community will need to cool down. Natural resources and energy will be sufficient for the future, because everyone in the community to share with. " Energy know global warming reduction in community values. "
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