The origin of the diamond blue, deep water an exceptionally difficult to find – this is still vague is more grain because there is no recorded, of course, but it is known that the first possession is considered jewellery trade students travel nationals of middle ages Church France 17th century name CHEONG dasmariñassm. New software ye eyes (Jean Baptist Tavernier) During the journey to the country of India Eye-ware new ye found rocks that have looked outside, like Sapphire large but actually is a raw diamond blue, size 112 3/16-Carat Diamond, the largest Blue diamond in the world in the past ever seen.Athan is the origin story that actually came from the stolen diamond eyes (some of which was that of nalat) of the cult image at her body which is Phra Nang SIDA laksami wife of Vishnu that India respect highly come down or die. Do not let the God loves man and curse anyone with this piece of property possession bangat. However, there are comments that this objection is not worthy of a legend is true, because the shape of the raw diamonds blue gem is not suitable as accessory at the eyes (or Lord nalat) of the cult image, but whether there will be a real curse? The fact that he will be able to continue it narrative suggests that those diamonds were successful owners of athan dire fate.After the eye-ware new ye back country France. He had this large diamond sales, Lord Louis of Bourbon, 14, and at the age of 84 years, and other eye new ye., died mysteriously at Russia. With the rumors that he was dead until the wolves tear the body. It is the first to make sacrifice, athan silver hope.When diamond, home is in the possession of Paul Lord, King Louis 14th suriya has been instructed to Ruang flouresce or glow cut diamonds again because of a cut for the first time. Artisans focus more than the beauty of diamonds. This time, he gave diamond cut split into 3 parts, the first section lost money. The other two pieces. One of the pieces have been cut into a heart shape, size, 67 1/8 carat diamond and jewelry House, "France is decade serial" chonmong blue "kut page (Blue diamond of the crown) or" blue "(Blue French) France property. Which subsequently changed the name diamond hope is. Best diamond pieces to last exactly but there is no evidence to believe that the diamond is called "boran sawik blue."Over time, Bad luck began to creep and crawl into dominated dynasty Member who is related to the diamond industry gradually. Secretary of State archives, Nicholas foo gate ever grab the borrowed diamonds to eventually want to retire to punish terrorist into prison, but that is the fate of the Queen Marie Louise, 16, and Andre the net received the diamond inheritance property destruction. He was absolutely awesome distortion with the guillotine. As the inscriptions are in the history of the revolution in France in the year's bloody magnificent BCE death 1789 and diamond beads, this event has lost money lost chaos.Later, in the year 1813 at the London Diamond brokerage trade name Daniel a. Italia San (Daniel Eliason) Blue Diamond beads one 44 Carat in possession. Even though the appearance is not the same, but with a beauty that is one of the two does not exist. Experts who have seen it, it is believed that the Blue diamond was changed to shape France property to provide easy transportation across the nation, said that secret who made the cut are William fan (Wilhlem Fals) Holland, people with end cut was to be her own son, stealing precious diamonds to trom mind died. While the child later on, it is suicide, not knowing the cause. There is evidence from some sources that the George IV of England, he was one of the possession of diamonds and sold it, athan House, "when death to pay existing debt, enormous. Then it was changed to Diamond until the year 1939 Henry BCE and p (Henry Philip Hope), paho, the owner of the company, heritage Bank, bought the Blue Diamond tablet. France has property pages chonmong kut became a regular family hope diamond and was named "hope diamond" ever since.The family home is a story that has never been a pleasant rich. Want to experience life, and ends with the monsoon to bankruptcy because it was a curse of the diamond. The fact is that after Henry Philip hope who has no sons died down. Diamond home a long heritage through Lord Francis hope, he is lenkhong (Lord Francis Hope), which is a bet. He has to destroy the family's money to bet until in the end it must sell diamond to use debt and coping with difficult family home patong to temporarily age a person. Hope diamondอีกครั้งที่เพชรโฮปได้เดินทางไปทั่ว ผ่านพระหัตถ์ของเจ้าชายคานิตอฟสกีแห่งรัสเซีย ซึ่งทรงได้มอบเพชรเป็นของกำนัลแก่นางละครที่โฟลีส์ แบแย (Folies Bergere) คนเดียวกับที่พระองค์ทรงยิงจนเสียชีวิตในอีกไม่กี่วันต่อมา ส่วนตัวเจ้าชายก็ถูกพวกกบฏแทงสิ้นพระชนม์ตามไปติดๆ ไปจนถึงชาวกรีกคนหนึ่งชื่อ ไซมอน มอนธะริเดส (Simon Montharides)ที่ซื้อเพชรโฮปไว้แต่ก็ต้องประสบอุบัติเหตุทางรถยนต์จนเสียชีวิตทั้งครอบครัว ถึงปีคริสศักราช 1908 สุลต่านอับดุล ฮามิดที่ 2 แห่งตุรกี (Abdul-Hamid II) ที่ได้ครอบครองเพชรเพียงสองสามเดือนก็ถูกรัฐประหารปลดออกจากตำแหน่ง และในปลายปีถัดมา นายหะบิบ เจ้าของเพชรชาวอียิปตคนใหม่ก็เสียชีวิตจากเรืออัปปาง ที่ช่องริโอWho owns the diamond home pakhon is Mrs. Ewalin Won (Evalyn Walsh Mclean), maekli wife, Mr. Edward Maeklin (Edward Mclean), owner of the Washington newspaper. Her son was post car crash death and Mr. Edward soon became deranged and ended the lives of people in the hospital, neurosis.When เริ่อง c. rai seems to have occurred did not stop. In the end, Mr. Harry Winston, the last owner decided to donate diamond home thaso Union Smith pahai institutions (Smithsonian Institution) in Washington DC in 1958 at which diamond home very long as they are there till today.
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