World War one of the majority on both sides to stop the war in the front to beat tennis phlo throughout the Western front.The military tactics used during the first world war, one behind technological advances are too much. These advances make it possible to develop amazing protection systems, which out-of-date tactics and military cannot penetrate to break through at any time during most of the war. Barbed wire is the major obstructions to resist artillery infantry human wave that effectively serious taikwa to decades in 1870, when used in conjunction with a machine gun. The army moved through the open space is going to be difficult [34] Germany Division start using toxic gas which later both sides adopted quickly. Although the toxic gas will never be proven to be decisive factor in defeating the enemy, but the effects of the poison gas terror. To get the gas died slowly and suffering and poisonous gas has become a saphrueng of fear and terror that is the best remembered of the war. Commander of both parties have failed to develop tactical battlefield area drilling phlo without experiencing heavy losses.However, in later stage technology to weapons production, started a new offensive, such as France and England] tank users and Germany placed the Allied tanks were seized and their own design tank number one. After the battle Umar นครั้ง that one agency and Germany both began to plot to hit the open wing of the opposing army, known as the "race to the sea" England and France found themselves being confronted with the German armed forces in the regions of each length to splice together Yelahanka rain of France through Belgium coast [12] England and France are trying to be within easy reach of the initiative. While Germany is strong setting in the occupied territory. The result is better to splice together created the German tennis great opponents phlo. While at England's attempt to splice together France-will be used as a temporary way before the army to hit through protective of Germany only [36] Both sides were trying to break the stalemate situation by applying scientific and technological advances and more applications. April 22, 1915 in the second battle of the e Variant. • This is the first time Germany used chlorine gas on the Western front as a violation of the Convention of the Hague. Armed forces of the Russian army when it was gas activities towards Algeria and open spaces the size of six kilometers in the Allied battle line that opponents Germany into occupation quickly. Canada can force these cracks filling in the battle of same time, [37] and in the battle of e third variable. Armed forces Canada and at nasaek pass village was colonized other Dale.
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