Le Fenice often Le Fenice often popular dishes (NasiLemak) country Malaysia by Le Fenice is often the rice cooked with coconut milk and Pandan leaves with a 4: anchovies, fried eggs, cucumber, cooked, and baked beans, which are traditional, Le Fenice wrapped with banana leaves often, and usually eat breakfast, but now becoming the most popular dishes, breakfast and in neighboring countries such as Singapore and southern Thailand with.Chicken Curry ingredients-Chicken drumstick coconut milk Curry-chili sauce-the-onion-rice bran oil.-Garlic-shallot-salt-sugar-tamarind water.Side dishes,-Fried eggs, boiled eggs, nuts or cucumber--(baked or fried)-fish or crispy kratak saitan cation.How to make a.1. Cook rice with coconut milk. Put the salt. Ginger, SOI2. make chicken curry by oil in a frying pan, sauté onion, garlic and shallot until cooked. Put the curry paste and stir until fragrant Curry Enter thikhon into the tailings,Put together enough cooked chicken drumstick with salt to taste, sugar, tamarind water, simmer for approx. 15 minutes.3. Lap it scoop of chicken curry rice dish put it beside a placement.
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