In this camp. I get a lot of things, including knowledge, fun friendship and honor the different knowledge cards I receive in each of the knowledge base, both old and new knowledge. Can I apply to study and to teach students in the future. I know how to step in and manage the camp regardless of whether it is breaking down. Time management in each base. The brake business and game play that will leave students are not too bored and tired. Which I might take to equip students in the future. On each base. Me and my friend have been extremely fun. Everyone has participated in all the activities of the various activities, games, and play as a group, which require the unity to do together in order to win the group, which caused the friendship between friends. I have different friends of the many cute. On each base, we must use the knowledge and skills of listening, speaking, reading, writing in a professional activity. Answer the question. Talking about ourselves. Listening and vocabulary, vocabulary and writing. I would love to attend this camp a lot, because all the games are fun and easy to play, not too difficult and cold morning it was back to Ivory Coast as another camp that night. I'm happy and thankful at this camp administration.In this camp. I love every base and every base because each activity, it is both fun and knowledge base but I like best is the Tongue Twister, this base is about speaking skills. Each group will receive a sentence per sentence 1 group which, we must remember, maen says, and quickly. He said the sentence I gave Group sells seashells by the seashore. The shells are seashells she sells surely which I'm sure it's very difficult to say this sentence correctly and quickly.I'm sure this is very perfect camp, but wanted to give more time to reach it. Because some of the base game is not completed before the time-out.
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