1. the promotion and development of industrial business, growth, quality and sustainable development, with emphasis on small and medium enterprises. Creation and development of personnel to meet the needs of the business. Promoting knowledge and improving skills, entrepreneurship, including the development of beneficial knowledge in science, technology, and creativity to create innovation.2. increase efficiency and effectiveness of By developing the basic factors promote performance and raise the standards of production, support the application of science, technology and innovation in the value creation industrial products to import goods from abroad, as well as coordinating the development cooperation between the Government. In the private sector Institute of education and the Institute of specialization in personnel training, skills. With the use of creativity and knowledge3. development of scientific and research personnel, sufficient quantity and quality to be of importance to the promotion of the production and development of research personnel in science and engineering, with the integration of learning with working in the establishment.To meet the needs of the country. To support the development of the country and its founding countries, Thailand firmly into the economic system, a knowledge base, creativity and innovation.
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