ถ้าเป็นงาน Good สามารถ shipping ได้ปกติ แต่ถ้าเป็นงาน Bad production ที่เรานำมาทำ Y-Mapping ก็ให้แยกออกมาอยู่อีกส่วนหนึ่ง ซึ่งจะไม่ส่งผลกระทบต่อ % Yield production.
If the work is Good, but if it can be a normal shipping is a Bad production, we are making Y-Mapping, separate, on the other part, which will not affect production Yield%.
If it is normal, but if it's Good to shipping and Bad production that we have to do is to separate Y-Mapping is another part. This will not affect% Yield production.
If it is Good can shipping normally, but if it is Bad production we used Y-Mapping is open in another part. Which does not affect the% Yield production.