Part of Speech is the assembly of words into sentences, which is composed of various parts. Like the one house that contains various parts
.Such as the foundation, walls, ceiling, roof, doors or windows, etc., which contains a component words. Have 8 type
Part of Speech. Contains
1. Noun - A
.Is the word used to call the name, people, animals, run, places, or events, including what เป็นนามธรรม (emotions and thoughts about?)
. - such as the Gary (Gary), James (James), Peter (Peter), David (David)
animals - such as elephant (elephant), dog (dog),Bird (bird), Penguin (Penguin)
things - such as boat (ship), house (house), car (automobile), computer (computer), book (Book)
locations. - such as hospital (hospital), restaurant (restaurant), police station (police station), school (school), train station (railway)
.The feeling - such as love (love), loyalty (honesty), success (success), friendship (friendship)
2. Pronoun - Pronoun
.Is the word used instead of a noun. In order to do not have nouns that repeated time mentioned in other sentences are both in the form Subject (president) and Object (object)
Subject. (president): I She He We,,,,,, They You It
Object (object): me her him,,,, US them
3. Verb - verb
.Is the actions or words which show the physical symptoms, mental or imply the situation?
action: run (run), smell (smell), eat (eat), drunk (drink)
showed signs of mental. : feel (feel), think (think)
conditions: have (there), exist (there are)
4. Adverb - adverbs
.Is the word used to expand the verb adjective adverb to describe more information in the frequency, time, place, or verb symptoms
Adverb. Of manner (adverbs that tell about actions): slowly (slowly), quickly (fast)
.Adverb of frequency (adverbs that tell about frequency): everyday (every day), often (often), sometimes (sometimes)
5. Adjective.
- adjective is the word put in front of a noun. Or pronouns to expand them in style, quality, quantity, etc.
.Such as good (good), beautiful (beautiful), young (young teen)
6. Preposition - prepositions
is the word used to believe nouns, pronouns. Or phrase together
, such as in inside out outside,,,,,, above under on to
7. Conjunction - conjunction
.Is the word used to connect words (lexical Words) (Phases) or sentence (Sentences) together
, such as,,, and or but although (though),. When (when), after
8. Interjection - oh
is the word used to express emotions, feelings of the speaker. The often used the exclamation mark!(Exclamation mark)
, such as Wow! (wow), Great! (excellent), Awesome! (top).
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