This research aims to study tissue culture neem tree Azadirachta indica A. Juss. Var. Siamensis Valeton using eye in sterile conditions. The test pieces were sterilized eye neem Clorox 10% and 5% tween-20 drops 1-2 drops and then cultured in a medium Murashige (MS) raised in sterile conditions at a temperature of 25 ± 2 degrees. Celsius to cultivate all four times, each time the cultivation of 10 bottles study found that over time, the first week that the contaminated 10 bottles a week at two contaminated all seven bottles week 3 was born. the contaminated bottles, three weeks, four of the seven bottles contaminate all the causes of contamination caused by Clorox is not clean enough to weather that is too hot and the air conditioner in the room culture.
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