High tone of BAEKHYUN is similar to a lower section sound D.O. CHEN. No surprise that sometimes D. O. sing it in some songs and alternate BAEKHYUN CHEN. If you are looking at in terms of the music, not the music that would look good in singing.
BAEKHYUN is similar to the tone of CHEN. The lower voice DO not uncommon for some time. DO I sing some songs. CHEN and BAEKHYUN Alternately, if you look in terms of music. See that in the songs that I sing a lot more.
High tone of BAEKHYUN is similar to CHEN. The D.O. Sound lower. No wonder sometimes D.O. Sing a lot in some songs. CHEN, and BAEKHYUN. Alternately, if you are looking at in terms of music. Not see in the song who sing more