6. qualification of managers, teachers, and teacher. 6.1 who obtain a license to be a Manager. Must have the following properties. 1. Thailand nationality by birth). 2.) no less than with Bachelor's degree or equivalent. 3 other properties), as defined in the Act and regulations at 2525 BC private schools the Ministry of education determines. 6.2 who to obtain the permits as a principal must have the following properties. 1. Thailand nationality.) 2.) no less than Bachelor's degree in knowledge management, education, or education or equivalent. 3. a teacher has experience) not less than 3 years old. 4 other properties), as defined in the Act and regulations at 2525 BC private schools the Ministry of education determines. 6.3 who obtain a license as a teacher needs to have the following properties. 1. Thailand nationality.) 2. minimum of knowledge), Bachelor's degree or equivalent and must have proof of teaching and education at least 15 business units, or a teacher or had experience in teaching profession consists of not less than 3 years old. 3) have the ability to use English or other foreign language teaching in the school level equivalent to your native language. 4. If a foreign people) permits a teacher. Will be exempt from the language does not require knowledge of Thailand grade 6 and grace story, properties Thailand nationality. 5 other properties), as defined in the Act and regulations enforcement action private schools teacher education set. 7. property of the students. Give students unlimited race. Thailand must have a child all religions a number not to exceed 50 per cent of the total number of students. 8. fees and other charges. School fees means that expenses charged by the schools from parents and/or students to register first. Tuition fees, library, sports medical fees up practical training or equipment or materials, educational value, learning English (ESL or EFL) Another charge, it means that the expenses charged to the parents and the schools or students to be up. The gross value of the investment fund or other service charge in addition to school fees. Fee, other fees, and is in accordance with the terms set forth in the resolutions of the Council of Ministers or the Ministry of education's policy to obtain permission from the Board of Directors of the private Secretary of education or provincial governors of. 9. quality assurance 9.1, Subscribe to corporate standards that have been adopted internationally, within 12 months from the date of establishment of a licensed school, and opened the first level primary schools (with the exception of the. Study). 9.2 the school must provide an internal quality assurance system for education and to apply for certification of educational standards (Quality Assurance Local) from the Ministry of education, within 12 months from the receipt of the permit. 9.3 all levels of school education standards must be endorsed (a Local Quality Assurance) from the Office of the private education Commission within 3 years from the date they are allowed to open the action. 9.4 School Elementary and secondary standard must be certified to international standards institutes (Overseas Accreditation) recognized by the Office of the private education Committee within 6 years from the date of opening. You must report to the Office of advancement. All private education procedures 9.5 in the event that the school failed to follow the steps specified above, filed a request to extend the school year if they can not be carried out. Most of our students, the school and broke within 2 years. The school must prepare reports on quality 9.6 education and examinations of students of the school curriculum towards private education Commission. The end of every academic year. 10. the administration of the Affairs of the school. In addition to the above criteria. The joint venture of the international school, as defined in the private education Act. Rules of the Ministry of finance and the Ministry of education, the related regulations. 11. the exception. The project was approved before this principle is valid, perform the set up according to the project, but if there is a request to change parties after the approved project in accordance with the principles. This criteria.
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