Musical instrument similar to the guitar is the most popular that year, starting with a minimum of 5,000 is popular in Central Asia. Called the hotel Eira (Sitara) instruments with similar formats, the oldest guitar found 3,300 years of age as a poet's ancient stone hit tai kingdoms.The word comes from the word Spain language, guitar, guitarra, which comes from the Greek word Kithara is actuating the kithara from multiple sources makes the word guitar seems to have taken from the Indo European language family guit-similar to the Sanskrit translation of that music and chord line or tar-means the word is Arabic qitara called Lute lute part Word guitarra occurs when this type of instrument was taken at Iberia (or Iberian Peninsular is a peninsula in South West Europe) by the Moors.The guitar in the modern era came from a musical instrument called the cithara of the Romans, in the Kingdom of Spain or California retro antique CA 40 then changed format to become an instrument that has 4 wires, called the UDD (oud), brought by the Moors who came into possession of the peninsula IB classes. In the 19th century in Europe, section 8, an instrument called a lut (lute), of Scandinavian has 6 lines in modern instruments 800-1965 popular amang (Viking).1200 (1914), there are two types of 4-wire guitars Guitars guitars, Aurora Sky Maurice or eye of the Moorish style, there are several options for round holes with wide neck guitars in the eyes, Sara. Latina, which is shaped like a guitar is currently single and narrow holes in the 16th and 17th centuries, a similar instrument, the guitar of nationals Spain called Villa Hu recent instruments are similar in the current guitar. There is a combination between the music of the Arabs, and the UDD lut of Europe but gained popularity in a short. We found up until the year 1576The first instrument that looks like a guitar in the present. Born in the era of the late Edo era, the middle ages or Renaissance Center located in the envelope. (500 more than last year) as the use of string instruments in the world. In that era, guitar, available in both 4 and 5 for 6-string guitars, identified that there is a built in 1779 as the work of Mr. Winassia Kaetano (Gaetano Vinaccia) in the city of Naples Italy, but it argued that it might be fake for a second clan is renowned for the production of sasia man in history before.
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