Miniature: do you want to be special? I suggest you place.: I want to go to Chiang Mai, there is nothing interesting?Type: Chiang Mai will have it mountainous, Aloys sea fog. The beautiful nature. In the city, it is a pedestrian street, we have studied the way of life of the indigenous people.Miniature: do not know how to be a family? at the Chiang Mai Zoo are interesting. 1985: no, we go just 3 people.Miniature: ONN the HIG would like to get the service thing?Katakana: okay.Miniature: Okay, we will send you a single Futo toward email it? Ask for the contact with the HIGKET,:...... writes. ..... Okay, katakanaAt London Heathrow AirportTour guides waiting tourists arrive.Katakana: Hello, I welcome email Bell tour, isn't it?KET PIM tuning: katakanaMiniature: preparation of ready to join
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