โครงการติวความรู้และกิจกรรมนักเรียนมัธยมศึกษาตอนปลายที่มีความสนใจเข้าศึกษาในคณะรัฐศาสตร์ project know-how and activities 4-6 junior students who have an interest in political science.
Intensive project know-how and activities, high school students who are interested in political science.project know-how and activities 4-6 junior students who have an interest in political science.
Tutoring Program knowledge and high school students who are interested in studying at the Faculty of Political Science project know-how and activities 4-6 junior students who have an interest in political science.
The project"s activities of high school students who are interested in studying in the Faculty of political science.Project know-how and activities 4-6 junior students who have an interest in political science.