07/02/10 reasoning techniques with confidence (Certainty Factors)
is a technique in justification of outlining a theory different from the other statistical
principles of probability assumptions. Another technique, but trust How to use a Determine the level of
confidence (Uncertainty is represented as a Degree of Belief), regardless of the probability of such a
measurement of the level of confidence ((Express the Measure of Belief), the base body. The Root Of the
analysis or interpretation of the faith) (Manipulate Degrees of belief while using Knowledgebased
1. The confidence to believe (Certainty Factors and Beliefs)
theory of confidence (Certainty Theory) to take the confidence (Certainty Factors) for the
representation of the events in order to see the differences of opinion. confident And do not
believe in that event to determine the CF in various ways (Certainty Factors (CF)
Express belief in an event (or Fact or hypothesis) based on Evidence (or the Expert's
offers several ways. actions Configuration confidence in the knowledge base (Several methods of using
certainty factors in Handling uncertainty in Knowledge-based Systems) such as
- 1.0 or 100 = absolute truth (complete confidence) represents the determined value of 1.0 or over.
100 cases the full confidence completely
- 0 = certain falsehood meant to determine the number 0 if there is no confidence at all
, for instance: a conviction that in the midterm, Ms. A would be a test of AI have.
80% believe that Mr. B will test the 15%
value is not a probability CF (CFs are NOT probabilities) each are independent
of each other should not. The sum is to be equal to 100% (CFs need not sum to 100)
, belief and unbelief (Belief and Disbelief)
beliefs and skepticism are independent of each other. But there are ways to Page 2 this coming together with the
principles of probability, for example, from the following equation hrs.
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