low nutrient and lipid are problem digestibility of cow, recombinant S. cerevisiae harboring pfaE gene from S. putrefaciens เป็นได้ทั้งจุลินทรีย์ที่สามารถย่อยเยื่อใยและเป็นแหล่งของไขมันของโคนมได้
Low nutrient digestibility and lipid are problem of recombinant S. cerevisiae harboring pfaE cow, gene S. putrefaciens is from both the microorganism unable to digest fats as a source of lingering sentiment and dairy.
low nutrient and lipid are problem digestibility of cow, recombinant S. cerevisiae harboring pfaE gene from S. putrefaciens microbes can be both a source of digestible fiber and fat of dairy cows.
Low nutrient and lipid are problem digestibility, of cow recombinant S. Cerevisiae harboring pfaE gene from S. Putrefaciens. Both microbes can digest fiber and as a source of fat of dairy cattle you