The junk food consumption of junk food in great quantities
. Result losing to consumers and the nation indirectly. The consumer will make the disease, such as obesity
.Caused by conditions that body fat accumulation than usual. Accumulation of fat and more. May be due to body to get the energy than your body needs. The accumulation of the remaining energy in the form of fat in various organs
.Diabetes is caused by having too much fat, causing insulin resistance (Insulin) resulted in the accumulation of sugar or glucose. (Glucose) in the body, diabetes, resulting in blood vessels in the retina is destroyed, the blinding complications
.Hyperlipidemia caused by eating food with a lot of fat
. Run the risk of a stroke disease disability. Because of the fat to the island by the vessel wall
. Liver diseaseDue to fat accumulation in the liver.) Which can be found in patients with diabetes, obesity, heart disease, or hyperlipidemia.
.Due to high cholesterol status Because they eat the fat regularly for a long period of time to accumulate a large amount in the body. It also resulted in the risk of hypertension. And kidney
.Because the body weight, too. Result in the bone around the knee and hip, to support the weight of the body, the deterioration. However, because these foods are fat. And salt or sugar, very high doses.
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