People often use food containers Regardless of the particular usage of the container due to the recognition of. Don't know where to send the result later Therefore, we should use food containers, suitable for use and the type of food. The aim in this study is to collect data and develop a multimedia campaign to use food containers by the main utilities, is a multimedia content easier to understand. The development of multimedia starts from the research collected data. The use of food containers correctly. Data analysis of possible factors affecting the use of the nganphatna container, and then design a Storyboard, and then make the development of multimedia content using Adobe After effects in Adobe Illustrator animation development, Adobe Photoshop, in the development of still images and text in Adobe Premiere Pro.Record audio and video editing, and then test it with users over 30 assessment folks found that users of the media there is a satisfaction level great overview by an average 4.1 percent standard deviation 0.84 which suggests that multimedia can be used to learn. Publish or further studies as well.คำสำคัญ : การพัฒนาสื่อมัลติมีเดีย/ รณรงค์/ การใช้ภาชนะบรรจุอาหารตามหลักสาธารณูปโภค
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..