After the external war to cease for a long time. Causes of ayudhya have not prepared for the protection of Angkor in 2295 (1752) Alaungpaya throne as the King of Burma and the Royal intention to expand the territory of Almaty's army failed to retreat back to the army and died during in 2303 (1760) hsinbyushin.A son of Alaungpaya throne He ordered the army marched into the first army by 2 to give Dutch wife wasi hopdi as army army Almaty Northern of Ayutthaya. And then back to Ayutthaya, the ancient capital Almaty. Section 2 provides that the army's army into nontha Spider-man army to the city of Kanchanaburi and Dawei Almaty comes a natural sense of his wife hopdi wasi to Ayutthaya, the environment at the same time. Burmese army siege for 1 year 2 months making people in the city are starving and are fighting between the Burmese army siege of ayudhya was Phraya Tak (loan) that may not be fighting Myanmar so gathering the clans, about 500 people, the breakout hit of the Myanmar armed forces out to the East, and is located in the town of chanthaburi. To find a solid base of secret army plans to Myanmar (Burma), Almaty. In the end, the army surrounded the area, Myanmar Director of ayudhya was able to hit the second successful period in 2310 (1767) From this time the events make the country great loss because Myanmar has destroyed many temples and households with a flaming fire, including herd people into a captive and brought many back to the treasure. Ayutthaya historical prosperity has left only ruins.
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