The influence of Western culture, society, ThailandCultural nationalism of Western cultural influences ThailandBy the nature of the influence of Western culture that came in. The media we consume movies are finally think global culture until he lost to civilization, as we forget the good traditional wisdom and influence the way we think about how the work is extremely difficult to be withheld until that sufficient reasons have been 3 major's summary is a competitive person, and he belongs to the world of machines.As he leads to selfish lack of relationship with the things around the place, not in a relationship that is supposed to be impossible to include the power to make. The greatest thing to happen. The competition is not only good, but racing is racing each other, destroy each other at the same time. It can be seen from the attempt to conquer the world, that is one cause of environmental destruction to human persecution with no knowledge of the world and the machines that think everything is enclosed protection machinery with the Newton, which physical rules pose a pine SAP, and conflict. Not able to see the impact and relationship links that State the obvious one is that we are not able to live in this world. And solidarityWith a concept based on the belief it will still influence society and the organization is here. Make the more developed, causing problems in society, Thailand continued and gone with this condition if it is not doing anything to solve the problem. He must come out to assist in the creation of this participation and build relationships. The leading example is the problem itself, which is today the leader of the current era, they still do not know where to collaborate, how to procure the nomination. What is needed, and want to quickly get to work, and how to achieve the target objectives are met? We must change the concept from what we live separately and separate everything, the new organization is urgently. In order to learn. Collaboration among the different Change the view of the machine as a flexible concept.Thailand has received several aspects of Western culture since the Ayutthaya period. In the first stage as military progress. Architecture, arts and Sciences. Since the reign of the old 3. People are getting more and more Western culture, Thailand. Making lifestyle changes can affect the people of Thailand.Dua sample Western culture influences the society an important Thailand is as follows:1. the military as the first Western culture that people buy from Ayutthaya Thailand obtained by the firearm used. With the creation of the Fort by the West, such as the video is the most highly Fort River. Designed by engineers, the people of France Old English was hired into service to provide a. Military consultant The school captain is located. Military training in the West.2. our education. In the reign of the 3 has a number of elite and nobility were younger one studying English and the sciences kantawan fall. In the reign of the foreign teacher comes to 4 he hired to teach English and Western knowledge in.In the rush to compile a new plan with 5 schools. The Ministry of education set up a new thamkan he sent his son to study, and students in the various countries, Thailand, such as medical school. School of law. In the reign of the Act 6 with a compulsory and Chulalongkorn University, Thailand.3. the sciences such as knowledge of astronomy King Mongkut Rama he used astronomical knowledge until the solar eclipse occurring can be calculated correctly. Modern medical knowledge, which began in the reign of King Rama III in สม้ย 5, having established the hospital. Doctors and nurses training school The medical knowledge of the West, this is a basic medical and public health Thailand. In the current4. the concept of the West. A study of the West make such administrative concepts of the Communist Democratic Republic of spread into Thailand, and there needs to be a political change. In addition A lot of Western literature, it has influence to change the format from a prose composition, and to create a new concept in Thailand, for example, understand society, literature, novel, writing format of fresh flowers Sri.5. the lifestyle To accept Western culture and various artifacts used to make lifestyle changes to people's traditional Thailand such as the use of utensils, eating instead of hands. The Chair instead of sitting on the floor The use of Western dress, or from the West. The Palace building Houses of the West, as well as the leading Westerner such as football, golf, into publishing, etc.Portugal is the first Western National into the reign of King ramathibodi II led to gun fire. To create a fortress against fire Tactical military way. Making wound treatment wax How to make candy thong Chai is a Caucasian volunteers fighting with the Burmese King reign of 120 people.Holanda in Mysore into quarter naret rawarom find rat The creation of Thailand called holanda building "building wilanda" firearm sale, including glassware, tobacco machines, diamond jewelry. In the reign of King Narai, pleasing glasses and binoculars from holanda.อังกฤษ เข้ามาในราชสำนักสมัยพระเอกาทศรถ มุ่งทางด้านการค้า แต่สู้ฮอลันดาไม่ได้ เช่น ยอร์ช ไวท์ มีต่ำแหน่งเป็นออกหลวงวิชิตสาคร ส่วน แซมมวล ไวท์ ได้เป็นนายท่าเมืองมะริดฝรั่งเศส เข้ามาสมัยพระนารายณ์มหาราช เพื่อเผยแผ่ศาสนาคริสต์ คณะบาทหลวงได้นำความรู้ด้านการแพทย์ การศึกษา การทหาร ดาราศาสตร์ การวางท่อประปา การสร้างหอดูดาวที่ลพบุรีและอื่น ๆ อีกหลายแห่งในสมัยอยุธยาตอนปลายความสัมพันธ์กับชาติตะวันตกลดลงและหยุดชะงักไปใน สมัยพระบาทสมเด็จพระจุลจอมเกล้าเจ้าอยู่หัว ทรงปรับปรุงประเทศตามแบบตะวันตกโดยมีการเปิดสัมพันธ์ทางการทูต เพราะตะหนักถึงภยันตรายที่หลีกเลี่ยงไม่ได้ เป็นการป้องกันการแทรกแซงภายใน วัฒนธรรมตะวันตกจ
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