Anthony: It seems to the kids that the parents are always saying NO! That everything, about us our hair our music our,,, Clothes the way, we talk our, dreams, heroes our, are all considered bad by the generation who can 't stop patting itself. On the back over how democratic and liberal it is.Dick: I think the inspiration, to form a youth culture comes out of a combination, of fashion style and music. And that. Often it 's the particularity of, the music which then gathers a group and then extends and develops.Roger: You want to know, when you 're 14 15 16,,,, 17 you want to know who you are and try out all sort of options. The way. You look or the, way you dress will tell you and everybody else something about the person you need to be.Tracy: In many ways the elder generation cannot understand the younger because so, much has increased in complexity. Besides. The youth always tend to change the world.Angela: You 're unsure of where you' re going. Some people know exactly where they 're going but most teenagers don t have.' An, idea and it 's a way of kind of, having something, that they can say they belong to and that they are a' whatever '.
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