Common name Yellow berried nightshade Solanum xanthocarpum, scientific name
Schrad. & Wendl.
Solanaceae family.Other name Aubergine, tomato, pepper bitter-sour tasting to eat (central region), tomato, pepper, eggplant, tomato, Black Crow words, tomato, pepper, eggplant, Chae Callosum plate Aubergine Chae (North) khuea take khuea rock (South) to possess a gate (Karen-son) Aubergine huen (northeast), Anita
.Reduces smooth muscle compression resistance, cancer, cardiac care, blood pressure symptoms of diabetes because insulin is similar to tomato, Yow brittle. Reduce the amount of sugar in the blood. Help drive the worms reduce the inflammation makes the subsystem and excretory systems work well, helps reduce blood cholesterol levels, kill bacteria and urine
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