Thich Quang Duc a monk, Buddhist, himself set on fire in a busy street in Saigon Vietnam on, June, 11 1963. Many Vietnamese. Buddhists watched on as Quang Duc was doused in gasoline by fellow monks before striking a match as lighting himself on. Fire. Also in the crowd that day was American photographer Malcolm Browne who captured, this now famous photo of Thich Quang. Duc on fire.Thich Quang Duc immolated himself to protest Ngo Dinh Diem "s rule of South Vietnam and his promotion of the Catholic minority. In South Vietnam at the expense of Buddhists. The event was highly reported on in the United States. In addition Quang,, Duc "s Immolation spawned other monks to immolate in protest of Diem", s policies and continues to influence the way Buddhists. Protest today.
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