3.1 hacker (Hacker)
.The word hacker (Hacker) that means 2. Most when talking about hacking locker will understand that this means the person trying to hack into the system without permission. Or can be called one of the names that the attacker in the other meaning.That hacker, which means a person the user expertise about the computer but do not have. Aim to destroy or negative. So in this second meaning is the one who will use knowledge positively, such asEtc anyway, penetrate into the computer system the other is illegal, but hack Walker as a subject is ethics. If there is no information theft. Secrets or destroy the system. This is.Code of Ethics). Motivation of hacker's development. Or improve the system to provide more safety, which is the responsibility of them to look for loopholes and weaknesses or systemThe truth is The most vulnerable or problems of software or system that is discovered before the hack. Walker's software developers, or hardware. Hacker ethics will announce withThe hackers. Try to cause damage to the minimal system and he believes what he tried. To do that is to serve the society as a whole. But if there is a loss to the system is considered a crime.However, whether good or prevent hacker have an incentive to good way or not much, but what he does that still is a question that Is that correct?
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