.Because charcoal as what people commonly known as fuel used in daily life ภายในครัวเรือน used ก็เห็นจะเป็น charcoal. Charcoal derived from the wood to burn and was recorded as a bar.In many ways knowledge about charcoal from the axis and charcoal from rice straw, corn Where can we utilized coal instead of charcoal made from wood, reduce cutting wood.The production of alternative fuel to the community and to create new options in the future การผลิตพลังงานทดแทน by
.The objective of this study is to investigate and compare the heat between charcoal, with charcoal from the core by using sawdust, corn starch, water). Glutinous rice flour, interlayer synchronization.The heat between the charcoal, with charcoal from core corn. However charcoal made from corn and rice straw core can be used instead of charcoal, and may apply to other such. Suction smell in the refrigerator, etc.!
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