Doe Polynesia consists of islands of prosperity for a long time. But later had to fall under the rule of the Netherlands for about 301 years in January 2485, the Japanese invasion during World War 2.1 Indonesia. And expel the Dutch colony of Indonesia to succeed. Therefore, the Indonesian people in those days, to cooperate with Japan, but did not trust the Japanese service. If there is any ambiguity is When the nationalist movement in Indonesia set up. Japan will also attend and control operations and declared war on Japan surrendered to the Allies. Marks Indonesia declared independence in 2488, but the Dutch colony was not recognized the independence of Indonesia. Raised an army to suppress The result of the battle, it appears that the Netherlands can not be suppressed by the Indonesian military. Then, in alliance with the United Kingdom entered into a mediation to end the conflict. The two sides signed an agreement monkey bite ya Comment (Linggadjati Agreement) in 2489 when the Netherlands recognized the authority of the state government in Java and Sumatra. Later, the Netherlands had violated the agreement by attacking the Indonesian military has made other countries such as Australia and India has submitted the matter to the United Nations Security Council to manage. The UN has set up a committee to settle the dispute by including Australia, Belgium, and the United States. To serve, mediating disputes, and has called for a ceasefire. But the Netherlands have arrested a prominent leader of Indonesia's Sukarno and Hatta captivity. The Indonesian military can help bring the two leaders out. In this phase, all countries around the world have strongly criticized the Netherlands and the Security Council has pressured the Netherlands to Indonesia's independence on 27 December 2492, Indonesia became independent, but difficulties still exist due. Netherlands refuses to include the territory of West Irian to Indonesia. Both sides are preparing to battle it again. The upshot Netherlands did not transfer power to the UN supervision and to the West Irian Irian West Show referendum that will be integrated with Indonesia or not. Results show that the referendum would most like West Irian with Indonesia. Then transfer it to the Western nations in the region of Indonesia in May 2506.
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