SCG chemicals
chemicals business of SCG is managed by the holding company (Holding Company) the name "company SCG Chemicals Co., Ltd. is a manufacturer of plastic"
by poly olefins physics Ines integrated Integrated Producer), which consists of both production
.Industrial petrochemicals phase (olefins) and industrial petrochemicals downstream (poly olefins), besides, the business also
.Invest in business, production and distribution of PVC resin through shareholding Thai plastic and chemical products Co., Ltd. (public)
, important information capacity Press / olefins,, 2 900 000 tons per year
press / poly olefins,, 1 880 000 tons per year
press / PVC, 813 000 tons per year
.The main products olefins poly olefins and PVC
highlights key press / have the ability to highly competitive products in petrochemicals
press / gross The production cost of the olefins / poly olefins low
press / base market covers 116 country
.The main operation. Press / focused on developing products with high additional value of poly olefins และพีวีซี to
strengthen competition ability and a variety of products!Press / create a leadership in the region for the olefins poly olefins and PVC
press / expanded to various regions around the world, and expand regional sales mainly
.Thoroughly to get information and market information in time, and reduce the risk of market volatility
policy in the development of business. Press / looking for business opportunities in the industry both at home and abroad, especially
.In the product olefins poly olefins and PVC
press / focus on strengthening the research and development (R & D) and innovate
innovative products and services to meet the needs of customers!Preparation and cope with the higher competition
press / Development of production and distribution, resulting in
yield management system throughout organizations (TPM) and quality management system
.The organization TQM) to reduce the cost and quality control of the production process, coupled with environmental management
continuously and proper.
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