Translation in English, The ILOVEYOU script (The Attachment) was written in Microsoft Visual Basic Scripting (VBS) which Run in Microsoft Outlook and was Enabled by Default. The script added Windows Registry Data for Automatic Startup on System Boot. The Worm then searched Connected Drives. and replaced files with extensions JPG, JPEG, VBS, VBE, JS, JSE, CSS, WSH, SCT, DOC, HTA, MP2, and MP3 with copies of itself, while appending the additional file extension VBS, making the user's computer unbootable. however, The MP3 and sound Related Files are Hidden and Not overwritten. The Worm propagated Itself by sending out One Copy of The payload to each Entry in The Microsoft Outlook address Book (Windows Address Book). It also Downloaded The Barok trojan Renamed for The. As occasion "WIN-BUGSFIX.EXE". The Fact that The Virus was written in VBS Provided users a Way to Modify The Virus. A user could easily Modify The Virus to REPLACE important in The System Files, and Destroy it. This allowed many. variations of ILOVEYOU to spread Across The internet, One each doing different kinds of damage. [10] Mostly mail messages Sent by ILOVEYOU:.
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