in ancient times, long beans, rice, and there is no need to grow very large in size larger than his handful of men for about 5 times the grain has a silver and fragrant rice to eat human beings have used for so long, one of them is a widowa widow, who had a rough mental beat rice seeds with wood grain broken and blown to the flyers to fall in the forest, and it became a mountain of rice flew to fall in the water, and it became a black rice is the name that she was the พสพand she was angry with the man, that he cut off dead พสพ will not go back to the other man, that he must be hungry no rice to eat a thousand years later, the son of a billionaire, and then there was lost it until it came to the marsh, and sit cryingShe had told him the พสพ unkind to the widow's son, rich, and she begged the gods พสพ back to her, but she did not return to the gods so that the conversion is a fish and parrots, and begged her to go back to your man and Buddha's teachingsand she was going to go back to the LORD the พสพ city man, but it will be smaller and must be done if you will beat the cultivation of rice will need to be made in order to get permission to ask for the ceremony and her พสพ and when the harvest is finished, it must be the ceremony to present rice with
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