The story [solve]
.ภูวิช with computer. A brother father's father is the same both, but of a different mother. ภานี, mother of ภูวิช, resplendent special is the mother of Wat ภูวิช hate father who left you with resplendent in Bangkok, ภานี must face down.The prow, brother of ภานี helped raise ภูวิช. ภานี is a loyal, resplendent with the sun is engaged. ลินทร์ TANU with computer. Because rely on to the woman to save the company. That isDue to an accident that blinded is of help from ภานี to ภูวิช help but instead, M.D., wedding special ภูวิช. Looks very similar with special like twins but different personality. ภูวิช grew up with a brother, uncle ภานี powThe special inspection has been raise have the habit of refinement. ภูวิช with special, M.D., love and close to ภูวิช. Not married instead of special, M.D., because he hates resplendent. But the special ministry asked ภูวิช help.The stars, the daughter of her to you. She was a pow pow abandoned after her pregnant, so she must หอบลูก in Bangkok to raise alone. Before dying, she gave the book a letter with stars with the message that the star is the son of a POW.Stellar brings a letter at the ranch. To hope to see you. But when you go back to being Pao refused stellar, but not very upset, the stars will build a small farms in the stellar must adapt to here.ภานี that love and believe the stars is the son of a POW. And I want ภูวิช with stellar end up together, but ภูวิช hate stars. ภูวิช disguised as a computer, M.D., and met ลินทร์ TANU. On the first day, the second people meet ภูวิช pretend ลินทร์ TANU.The development ลินทร์ think this is special. Because he had an accident a concussion. The rest of the TANU ลินทร์ makes ภูวิช started feeling good. Wrong with ภูวิช thinking development ลินทร์ wanted to get married.Soon, for fear that one day ลินทร์ TANU. Be caught ภูวิช not special wat By ภูวิช trying to do everything to pH ลินทร์ love. Special inspection has returned to the homestead Mai of ภูวิช with ภานี POW and only.ภานี told the star and all that ภูวิช travel to Bangkok. And the accident of brain trauma. The return of this ภูวิช surprise to everyone. Because ภูวิช change is very calm.
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