The ASEAN Community is due to the Association of Southeast Asian Nations to share or ASEAN member countries first, including Indonesia, the Philippines, Malaysia and Thailand Singapore last year 1967 to promote cooperation and mutual assistance in the economic, Society, culture, science, technology and management by using the following Declaration Bangkok ASEAN has expanded the band relationships onto the surrounding countries including Brunei, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Viet Nam and ASEAN Economic Community or AEC is being turned in by December 31 2015 targets, including the AEC, as คื.Akan is a political and social stability. The objective is to make the countries in the region are faking. Economic community to achieve cooperation in trade, investment, will lead to prosperity and stability in the region, the economic social and cultural community. The aim is to make the society favor. The population has a condition of well-being have been developed in all aspects social security Vision, One Identity, One Community One.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..