Guavas are rich in dietary fiber and vitamin C, with moderate levels o การแปล - Guavas are rich in dietary fiber and vitamin C, with moderate levels o อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

Guavas are rich in dietary fiber an

Guavas are rich in dietary fiber and vitamin C, with moderate levels of folic acid. Having a generally broad, low-calorie profile of essential nutrients, a single common guava (P. guajava) fruit contains about four times the amount of vitamin C as an orange.[6]

However, nutrient content varies across guava cultivars. Although the strawberry guava (P. littorale var. cattleianum) has about 25% of the amount found in more common varieties, its total vitamin C content in one serving (90 mg) still provides 100% of the Dietary Reference Intake.[7]

Guavas contain both carotenoids and polyphenols like (+)-gallocatechin,[8] guaijaverin, leucocyanidin and amritoside[9]–the major classes of antioxidant pigments – giving them relatively high potential antioxidant value among plant foods.[10] As these pigments produce the fruit skin and flesh color, guavas that are red-orange have more pigment content as polyphenol, carotenoid and pro-vitamin A, retinoid sources than yellow-green ones.[11]
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
Guavas are rich in dietary fiber and vitamin C, with moderate levels of folic acid. Having a generally broad, low-calorie profile of essential nutrients, a single common guava (P. guajava) fruit contains about four times the amount of vitamin C as an orange.[6]

However, nutrient content varies across guava cultivars. Although the strawberry guava (P. littorale var. cattleianum) has about 25% of the amount found in more common varieties, its total vitamin C content in one serving (90 mg) still provides 100% of the Dietary Reference Intake.[7]

Guavas contain both carotenoids and polyphenols like ( )-gallocatechin,[8] guaijaverin, leucocyanidin and amritoside[9]–the major classes of antioxidant pigments – giving them relatively high potential antioxidant value among plant foods.[10] As these pigments produce the fruit skin and flesh color, guavas that are red-orange have more pigment content as polyphenol, carotenoid and pro-vitamin A, retinoid sources than yellow-green ones.[11]
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
Guavas are rich in dietary fiber and vitamin C, with moderate levels of folic acid. Having a generally Broad, Low-Calorie profile of Essential nutrients, a single Common guava (P. guajava) Fruit Contains About Four Times The amount of Vitamin C As an Orange. [6]. However, nutrient content varies Across guava cultivars. Although the strawberry guava (P. littorale var. Cattleianum) has about 25% of the amount found in more common varieties, its total vitamin C content in one serving (90 mg) still provides 100% of the Dietary Reference Intake. [7]. Guavas contain both carotenoids and polyphenols like (+) - gallocatechin, [8] guaijaverin, leucocyanidin and amritoside [9] -the major classes of antioxidant pigments - giving them relatively high potential antioxidant value among plant foods. [10] As these pigments produce. the fruit skin and flesh color, guavas that are red-orange have more pigment content as polyphenol, carotenoid and pro-vitamin A, retinoid sources than yellow-green ones. [11].

การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
Guavas are rich in dietary fiber and, vitamin C with moderate levels of folic acid. Having a, generally broad low-calorie. Profile of essential nutrients a single, common guava (P. Guajava) fruit contains about four times the amount of vitamin. C as an orange. [6]

However nutrient content, varies across guava cultivars. Although the strawberry guava (P. Littorale. Var.Cattleianum) has about 25% of the amount found in more common varieties its total, vitamin C content in one serving (90. Mg) still provides 100% of the Dietary Reference Intake. [7]

Guavas contain both carotenoids and polyphenols like () - gallocatechin, [8]. Guaijaverin.Leucocyanidin and amritoside [] - 9 the major classes of antioxidant pigments - giving them relatively high potential antioxidant. Value among plant foods. [] As 10 these pigments produce the fruit skin and flesh color guavas that, are red-orange have more. Pigment content as polyphenol carotenoid and, pro-vitamin A retinoid sources, than yellow-green ones. [11]
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
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