The fabled "believe that everybody knows that. .. the lie is not correct and is not charged with lying to yourself, but why April 1 is the day that someone lied to each other, teasing them is fun. If we lie on April 1 will not sin? ... Track stories fact about lie here..April 1-day lie. April 1 is the day? Many people may not think of it today is a day of chewing gum. His April Fool Day, also known as a date who will lie anything to not have to care about each other, so they may have heard a strange rumor and ends with verses later say it's not true. Ordinary people of Thailand, which like other Nations prefer to follow the fun, including the fabled day may cause a missed anything important and forgotten an important core of Buddhist Thailand, that is, the treatment of the person 5. So, that is correct. We should not say the kid played by lying on April 1 because that might make the children or social misunderstanding and see what is not accurate to what became. . . . The history of the fabled date "April Fool Day." April Fool day, the legend of the fabled Day told that in the past their original European new year in April, but then there are the political change January 1 new year's day is a chance there are many people who still do not know, it still sent Aug sat, on April 1, they said they had called them "stupid sana mail" then it is to annoy each other without telling the truth to the fun, until becoming a festival known and played in many countries around the world. Whether it is the United States France Italy Portugal Spain Sweden uk Germany Norway Scotland Japan etc. by each country might have lied does not meet April 1. However, there are several theories about the origin of April Fool Day dates lie, indicates that from their Roman. There is a festival called "Cerealia" held in early April. This is a story that he heard the sound of the God name Ceres reflections of the daughter that she was caught Prosperpina shout out below ground by the gods Neptune Pluto, it's based on sound, the daughter of Ceres and experience the fact that according to the ECHO's not wise at all, like how he fooled themselves. There is also another theory that April Fool day is believed to lie Day caused by a spring that tells the succession that in spring. The young will find love and a range of plant growth while they find their animals. A group of priests, thus trying to trick the souls of evil. can not to hinder both the young love of plants and animals, so it is a month that priests must pray to evil spirits to spook them themselves. Date April 1 lieThe words lie there definition? It lies by the main is that it's not true, either, that we know it's not true, and we intend to lie, saying, people listen, listen, understand that it is a true story that is completely a lie.The result of the lie. การพูดโกหก ทำให้เกิดบาปในใจ สิ่งที่เราพูดออกไปมันจะเกิดเป็นภาพในใจ ถ้าเราพูดเรื่องที่ไม่จริงภาพที่เกิดขึ้นในใจมันจะเป็นภาพบิดเบี้ยว เพราะมันเพี้ยนจากความเป็นจริง เรารู้อยู่ว่าความจริงเป็นอย่างไร ถ้าเราพูดอีกแบบ ภาพที่ซ้อนอยู่มันเกิดการสับสน หนักเข้าก็จะเป็น อัลไซเมอร์ ขี้หลงขี้ลืม เพราะมันสับสนว่าอันไหนจริงอันไหนโกหก คนที่พูดโกหกมากๆ เข้าสุดท้ายตัวเองก็สับสน เพราะต้องมานั่งจำว่าวันไหนพูดอย่างไร วันนี้พูดอย่างไร หนักเข้ามันจำไม่ไหว สุดท้ายก็ทำให้ตัวเองสับสน หนักๆ เข้าก็เป็น อัลไซเมอร์ พอเป็นอย่างนี้ก็ทำให้ใจหมอง เมื่อจิตเศร้าหมองไม่ผ่องใส ทุคติเป็นที่ไป ก็ไปอบาย เพราะคุณภาพใจมันเสียIn Buddhism, hell if you lie and Sin, how much? Lying in the sacraments that 4 is a liar, WA Ta. Venice ra Ma Nee If the desecration, it is hell pit 4 4 is a pit of watha, especially where it is possible to make a mistake about the lie is one of the words that it includes errors in the way I was. Speaking to instigate him crack. Yun This side of him to tell the sides argue over there. This sin.Profanity, swearing, talking to other people, whether to press, this was sin.Speaking to drivel is the show itself, to generally say this nonsense, it's generally the same sin, but Sin a little bit lighter if compared to anything else. Who's going to mistake this hell pit, West University 4, which is very scary. Therefore, do not view lightly to make a mistake, do not go into do not even have to lie, April 1 and we should not lie to play each other today, because it will give us a hand to get retribution. No escorts The Lord of lies 4 penalty?
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