Global warming is.Global warming is that the Earth's average temperature increased from greenhouses or glass that we know as the Green house effect, which can be traced from the humans have increased the amount of carbon dioxide from the combustion of various fuels, transportation, and industrial production. In addition to it. We've also added the gas nitrous oxide groups and chlorophyll fluid carbon (CFC) Henrietta with while we cut off and destroyed. An enormous amount of forest to create whatever Human causes, mechanisms to bring carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere system performance degradation, down and in the end, what we have done. The world has come to us in retrospect, the characteristics of. Global warming.The cause for global warming.Global warming is causing the disasters that we are aware of the causes of, as well, that is, that human burning of fossil fuels such as coal. Oil and gas for energy production causes greenhouse gas emissions, which is the major cause of global warming. GHG (Greenhouse Gas). Gas adsorption properties of waves, radiation, heat, or infrared colours better nest. These gases are necessary to maintain the temperature in the Earth's atmosphere, which, if the world does not have the atmosphere of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Like the other planets in the solar system, then. Daytime temperatures will make them hot, and at night it's even colder because of these gas-sucking heat radiation waves them in the daytime, then gently heat radiation comes out at night. Making the temperature in the atmosphere suddenly changed world. There are a lot of features in the gas absorb the radiation and heat waves are classified in the Group of greenhouse gases, including gases that occurs naturally and is caused by human activity. Important greenhouse gas is water vapor. Carbon dioxide, ozone, methane, and nitrous oxide. Haloalkanes are a beginning, but greenhouse gases controlled by the Kyoto Protocol. There are only 6 types of gas must be caused by human activities: The greenhouse gases caused by human activities is another important haloalkanes (Chlorofluorocarbon, or CFC), which is used as a refrigerant and used in the production of foam, but not defined in the Kyoto Protocol because it is restricted to substances used in ceremonies of date sarom anot. The activities of humans. These greenhouse gas emissions are increasing (maybe except steam) – burning fuel from coal. Oil and natural gas – deforestation causes carbon dioxide – agriculture and livestock methane emissions and nitrous oxide – exhaust fumes from cars, emissions of ozone.Impact of global warming.1. the ecological side effects.Polar bar most affected and caused many changes. Especially the icebergs. Ice cubes are melting fast. Make the sea level rise polar way and flow into a worldwide cause floods has all additionally will make marine animals died because of the ecological change.European section Southern Europe will become the terrain slope caused drought. In many areas, flooding problems will increase, because the glaciers on the mountain peaks covered with snow will melt completely.While Asia is higher temperatures caused the drought season there is flooding the brainchild of food decreases the higher sea level pruan variable weather conditions may cause many storms into the destroyed residential houses of the people. Currently, the impact was clear under the dust kg.But the North thaebotwipomerika the food industry will benefit, because warmer air. While most of Canada and Prairie Grassland Plains, a large United States.Researchers have estimated the temperature the Earth's surface in the next 100 years, or about the year that the temperature is higher from 2643 current rail 4.5 degrees Celsius because of expected emissions of carbon dioxide and methane 63 percent to 27 percent of the greenhouse gas.For Thailand, there is about 1 degree Celsius rise in temperature. During 40 years, however, If the temperature is increased by 2-4 degrees Celsius would make the Typhoon changed direction. The violence occurred. An increasing number of 10-20 percent in the future. In addition, the summer will extend longer. While the winters are shorter. 2. economic impactThe tiny island State of North America will be affected by higher sea-level coastal erosion, damage to ecosystems. Coral reefs will be destroyed. Marine fish are experiencing problems due to changes in the ecosystem. Business travel by sea is an enormous revenue loss.In addition, an opportunity each-90 may cause severe monsoon and biting rain, including a drought occurred in the summer, in the year-long 2532 (1989)-2545 (2002) country Thailand flood damage, windstorms and droughts damaged economic value, more than 70,000 million baht.The report, "Global Deserts Outlook" of the project, the United Nations Environment. World Environment Day June 5 within the next 50 years of desert ecology will change to all biology, economy, and culture.Currently, desert plants and animals is a valuable resource for the production of new and. Making the reduction, I love the translation.
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