were a lot of misconceptions about the image of the universe in which we live. Especially the many people understand that Bigbang Bigbang is an explosion of something spread out into space, or spread out into something which it wrong! It also raises the question wrongly mistaken by many
the question is, what caused this misunderstanding
is the answer. Ones that are used to describe the often confusing. Another is the name Bigbang then interprets the origin of the universe was not by much. Mid 20th century (around fifty years ago), there was a fight between two concepts that explain how the universe formed and changed how
the universe 1. Static (Steady State model) to believe that the universe has no point. Start or End
2. theoretical Big Bang (Big Bang model) believed that the universe had a beginning,
Fred Hoyle, one of the leaders of the static universe say that the big bang. Up on the radio The statement, which was made into a catchy and everyone used to call each other all
day scientist Fred Hoyle reliable theoretical Big Bang. The belief that the universe is expanding more. The question is why scientists believe it in 1929 Edwin Hubble (Edwin Hubble) has proven to the world that it is far from our galaxy to our Milky Way Galaxy runs away from the high rate. Scientists believe that the universe is expanding, making the galaxy distribution on expanding universe runs away from each other, with
Edwin Hubble, people usually think of when we hear the world. And we see distant galaxies rushing away from us, it means that out. Earth was the center of the expansion. This means that we should not rush to go dormant. But then we go in other galaxies, we see the same anyway. This confusion is based on the theory of Big Bang is really the Big Bang was not an explosion into space. It was not anything explosion It is an expansion of space out quickly without any central point or an extra point. The expansion that is happening everywhere in the universe,
the cosmic microwave background radiation. Other evidence supporting the Big Bang actually happened is nothing to see galaxies rushing away from each other is the answer. UFOs Microwave background radiation (cosmic microwave background), which is referred to as CMG Beach (CMB), scientists discovered that our universe microwave dispersed everywhere. By the wave, with temperatures only 2.725 kelvins. This is the faint remnant heat from the Big Bang we see microwave radiation from all directions with equal temperatures with very high uniformity. Will be somewhat different, it's just one in ten thousand only. That means that in the past, all connected to each other before space
before the Big Bang there was nothing like
general relativity indicates that time is at the beginning of the Big Bang. If you believe everything is finished. The answer has been that the word before the Big Bang, it does not mean anything when the start time of the Big Bang. I actually was born in the Big Bang, no one can say that the universe is a condition, however, because the universe was hot and very tight. Conditions in the universe is so small, that would end in quantum theory to explain. Plus much mass that we need theory in general relativity to explain. But today we have a theory that the great treasure of the theory of the two combinations are
, however, physicists found that after the Big Bang occurred only seconds around 10-36 seconds the universe was born in a violent expansion. known as a reflector in function (inflation) which grew violence occurs only for a short period of time, stopped. After the Big Bang, the universe was about 10-33 seconds, and then it grew later at a lower rate, resulting in steep Fellowes
5. The gray was born. In Flames steep
slope in Flames is a concept born to various problems occurring. The problem of why the universe looks the same to me regularly on the whole. Observations of the cosmic microwave background radiation was discovered that it is highly alarming regularity in spite of our universe immensity of this size. Including the ability to solve problems, that's why today we have not seen yet magnetic monopoles. Details of the matter in Fleury application that would go before me because quite long and very
today, physicists try to find evidence to support the International Fellows more layers, as if the universe was expanding strongly, then even. short We will detect gravitational waves. (Gravitational wave) that occurred during that time. Many physicists believe that gravitational waves could affect the cosmic microwave background radiation, making it the polarizer was little. (Polarization explained simply that it is the direction of vibration in certain directions. Not Stabilization haphazardly in every direction) is known only that the B-mode polarization simply means that it is likely to have some form occurs, if we examine it, it was amazing, because I like you. Look for evidence of a phenomenon that occurred in the distant past,
the question is, then we are at the center of the expansion of the universe or not?
Since the days of Copernicus believed that the Earth was not the center of everything in the universe must. The orbit We need to keep reminding ourselves that we thought we were the center of something. Perhaps it's not true, but the limits of our perception and perspective. To understand the image the expansion of the universe. We may have to consider reducing the dimensions of our universe down to just a two-dimensional space that the universe is like a balloon being blown surface until puffed out. So every point on the sheet is stretched out simultaneously and equally to all. Do not forget that our universe is the balloon surface. The outer balloon within a balloon or it means nothing because our universe balloons scattered on the surface
and edges of the universe is not
theory suggests that the universe has no edge to our today. Our universe may be large or infinite size limit value, but it must not have an edge. The universe may have a size limit, but it has no edge. Comparable to the balloon surface when the moment. If we are ants on the surface of the balloon. When we ran
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