The science of deformation fuel into energy for human energy contained in the world have several options. In order to facilitate the daily life convenient, economical, safe,Efficient and environmental impact is minimal. Energy is important because a lot of related to human living for a long time since ancient times.Utilization of energy development and energy sources increase gradually เปลี่ยนแปลงไป by using energy sources rely on technology to produce more. From petroleum to solar energy.Etc.
.Oh oh oh. Human beings bring energy in life. The use of electricity caused by friction of wood or stone, the energy is very important. In promoting the welfare and well-being of the people of each country all over the world.Military, economy and society. At present there are using more energy. In the development of the economy in all fields such as industry, transport, electricity, etc., the energy consumption is related to the economic status of each country
.Boeing Boeing, energy technology is a breakthrough and the ability of something to work is the potential energy and kinetic energy, and the energy is another form of energy. Such as the energy used, and energy rotate Viet
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