Time interval in the performance. Operating procedures.The date 8 June performance topic idea 2558 (2015)17 June to study selected topics and 2558 (2015) collect the data.Date 25 June 2558 (2015) prepare information about problems with degeneration of the local culture and wisdom of Thailand.The date of 24 July 2558 (2015) survey of students a sample number of 10 people.In the school year 5/6 Praslin-JI naratdon school amrungThe July 31 date 2558 (2015) distributed a questionnaire on the subject of the various cultural groups, for example, the number of students in grade 10 year 5/6 GI naratdon amrung Praslin school.Pay attention and know or accustomedAugust 18-19 2558 (2015) data validationThe date 28 August 2558 (2015). education and knowledge creation.
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