Portfolio 1584 – set the page rule Kundu (Pendulum) or a blank clock pendulum g rules. 1585 – published a book titled Kydrostatic and Centre of Gravity Balance. 1591 – theory of the histogram title service that lightweight objects that wrong. In fact, it will fall to the ground at the same time, always. -Development of the telescope, more efficient, and you can see the stars shine. On the universe. -Experience the surface of moon. -There are several categories that showed the stars looks different: Planetary and stellar. -Find your way (Milky Way) in the milky way. -Satellite of Jupiter that found wide-4 Sun. -I found the ring of Saturn, which is to rule whether it is color, 3 Spa colors. -It was found that the surface of Venus is similar to the moon. -Has an Sun (Sun Spot). -Found Comet 3 Suns
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