generic Gerdenia Crape Jasmine
science Gardenia jasminoides.
botanical characteristics Gardenia is a perennial plant smaller. A 1-3 meters tall shrubs stem surface is grayish white. Branching out around the trees. Leaves Conversely, break into pairs According to the King The leaves are rounded oval, pointed leaves skin smooth green broad leaves 3-5 cm long and 8-12 cm flowers single flower. Out by the end or ends of branches. A bouquet of flowers with a 5-6, depending on species. Fragrant white Overlapping petals arranged in a single layer, or layers, depending on species. Flowers are grown 2-5 cm out of the cylinder-shaped pod with seeds sharp curves within 3-5 seeds
benefits. Spoke to a food dye to color as the paint on the outside of solid tofu. Use the blue chrysanthemum dress In China, paint ball strike dyed yellow in Thailand pharmacopoeia used as a diuretic to cure jaundice, fever, antibiotics used to cure the root element anomalies. And neurological disorders Essential oils distilled from flowers called Gardenia oil used as incense. In addition, China also uses a PUD tea leaves are fragrant too.
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