Weighs 129.3 kg 129.3 cm height. High jump 129.3 cm There are principally horsepower 129.3. Measure around the head of chest 129.3 cm waist. Date of manufacture: year 12 months 3 days 9 (by Japan calendar)
Weighs 129.3 kg, height 129.3 cm 129.3 cm high jump brawny 129.3 hp measure around the chest, waist circumference was 129.3 cm manufacturing date is year 12 months, 9 days, 3 (Sorted Calendar Japan).
Weight kg 129.3 height 129.3 cm jump high 129.3 cm there is strength 129.3 horsepower วัดรอบ head chest The waist has 129.3 cm production date is the year month date 3 (sort 12 9 calendar Japan) .