In the animal phylum has a spine that live in the water as the animals are cold-blooded, breathe with Gill and spine. Can be animated with fins and muscles of the trunk? Some have fur covered throughout the. Some do not have fur, but covered with mucus, luen or phaenkraduk. There are two hearts, and the jaw, with the exception of fish such as sharks came from a chicken.Animals that live in water are called a certain type of fish as well, such as star fish, dolphin, whale and squid, which is all the animals living in the water source, all together. But it does not belong in the same style such as fish Anatomy and the different drugs sarin video such as star fish are animals that do not have a spine, as well as fish. Structured as a dolphin and a whale was the limestone as mammals that can breathe by lungs, not through the gums and the Octopus is considered to be an animal that does not have a spine, but was included on the same type of animal shells.
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