Thiprap update the soil can plant Decree economic landscape has been the domain of good service the o hotel.ี้1. edit by green-level control.Underground attempts to Hotel MonThe underground over SSHั้Other Lane Hotel.ึ่Membranes of Wright sites compounds are compounds membranes prevent Wright made.Reactions with oxygen or is oxidized by the PM.ี้ 1.1 system specification by pm.้ําทั่Wotั้Ngopื้Notี่ 1.2 specification by pm.้ํOnly the top page designื่Acha langkrot 1.3 green-level treatmentIn RA by pm.At the level of not less than 1 m from the surface throughout the suite.Ngapi2. edit by natam sufficiency prong adjustment step.How do I adjust the DIN method 3 may use, as appropriate and in accordance with the nature of the soil is? How to know about.1 ี่ water as acid wash Follow the bั้Noton: pmี้ -Water wash dirt pageื่Alangkrot make up the pH page.ิ่By releasing green makhuenKeep flooding out doing Green paint.Approximately 2-3 times, except keep awayApproximately 1-2 weeks. -Earth to periYawachat during the dry season or in dry soil, so the wash should be re.It incorporates the rainy season to reduce the droughtIrrigation Using water as acid washTongkra: natureื่Onglae have to hope in the long term, not just 1 or 2 very nice action.ั้Ngathao hotelั้Nawithi this is the easiest way, but it requires a lot of water suite.To use wash the soilAlongside mountain-level control.The underground over SSHั้Other compounds containing membranes lane Wright more -E-mailื่Clay noklai of the meaning of periYawalong pH page.ิ่All the iron solution and makhuen a tailored suite of.Poisonous plants, lots of travel, can grow.Well, if you use nitrogen fertilizer and phosphate chuai can grow better if you use fertilizer on nitrogen/agriculture can help. How to know about.2. Edit ี่ the soil sour mash mixed mortar, using a soil is. -Cement material suiteIn the belly of the suite.ี่For example, use mortar mal (mar) for the central region, or cement dust (lime dust) for the South, Wan, 1-4 tons per แล่้ว?Plough variable or phlikklop (quantity of lime suiteDepending on the severity of the acid). How to know about.3. use ี่ cement alongside the water wash and mountain level control.The underground is a way to know.ี่Complete and very พื้.The Plains, where the soil is acid supply.Violence or been let go suite.3. ngahai create empty for a long time.
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