Later, they find out about the traces of the Molcolm. Mr. Ashton's family in this time of Ashton at Molcolm. find Sweden because Mr. Ashton has escaped from london came to Sweden, they come by tracing the story of Mr. Ashton's Molcolm they have it. Ogilvie and henty.Henty is between the room he saw Benson fired Mr. Ashton and saw that with events in Henty, making Benson fired back but the Henty garden Henty garden can shoot back, Judith Benson, making Benson died. people in the Organization will know the story of Benson that he died on the battlefield, and he knew that the Lord has given Benson Cregar fake to see traces of Mr. Ashton research.After Mr. Ashton died The bid it has occurred and Molcolm model railway in then it knows that it has the effect of making the Mr.Ashton bomb research, the Government brought The railway to the benefit of the Model itself. Penny has made experiments and trials in Scotland to have the truth be revealed that the owner of her research is the Lord and make a bomb lab Cregar, anaesthetic, then Malcolm Penny research also helps, but there is a fight, santhotlong fell crack become toxins cause several deaths per day, Cregar. Malcolm doesn't like feeling in the Government, and thus, he resigned from the job, including Penny, she has stopped work.Yaw, but then he found that both have their own pensions by Penny exposed to bacteria, the body, but not serious, nothing but Malcolm found themselves with cancer and he had planned to marry Penny. they have moved to live together at different air Iceland property. alleging 9 months have passed with Malcolm Penny admonish all narrative before dying in the end, it's Penny's story Malcolm all published books, Government and return The friction model railway of Penny's father.
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