Importer would like to import the bank guarantee. The exchange with the original b / l or not. ผู้นำเข้าจะต้องการนำหนังสือค้ำประกันธนาคาร แลกเปลี่ยนกับใบสั่งซื้อแทนบีเดิม / l หรือไม่
Importer would like to import the bank guarantee. The exchange with the original b / l or not.Importers are required to apply a bank letter of guarantee. Exchange with the original purchase order, instead of b/l?
Importer would like to import the bank guarantee. The exchange with the original b / l or not. Importers will need to bring a bank guarantee. Orders exchange with the original B / l or not.
Importer would like to import the bank guarantee. The exchange with the original B / L or not. importer will need the bank guarantee. Exchange order instead of the original B / L?