The 1 milk, eggs, meat, dried beans and sesame
.Milk, eggs, meat, dried beans and sesame seeds, is a good source of protein, and can be used to strengthen. The body growth and tissue repair. Degeneration in normal childhood.And has a good quality mature. Should choose to eat a protein that can be easily digested and have low fat, such as meat, fish, and to prevent loss of appetite, eat switch with dried beans. Cause a variety in the types of food!The 2 rice, flour, white sugar. It.
.Rice, flour, white sugar and nutrients. It is important to carbohydrate food source energy. Brown rice and polished rice with dietary fiber, vitamin and mineral for the body to be most beneficial, should eat the switch withTo power as well as the rice noodles, noodles are noodles, vermicelli, starch or other and should not eat too much need for this type of food. Will be changed and stored in the form of fat to various parts of the body.The 3 vegetables
.Food recently, will provide vitamins and minerals to help strengthen the body. The body strong resistant pathogens and allows various organs work normally. The food of the recently are vegetables, such as Each morning glory.It also includes other vegetables such as eggplant, pumpkin, beans, etc. in addition, the food is food waste is excreted recently came to be. Intestinal stool made working as normal
.The 4 fruit
.The fruit will provide vitamins and minerals to help make the body strong. The resistance disease and food residue the excretion of intestinal is usually an important foods, including fruits, such as bananas, papaya, orange, mangosteen. Longan etc.
.The 5 fat and oil
.Fat and oil will provide nutrients of fat. To provide energy to the body causes the body to grow the body will accumulate energy was under your skin, according to various parts of the body, such as the hip area. The thigh.The time needed for long-term important food, including animal fat such as lard รวมั ้้ fat inserted in meats. Fat derived from plants, like coconut oil, palm oil, bran soy milk, etc.
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