เสียง (Pronunciation): ed endings 2. คำศัพท์ (Vocabulary): TV programmes 3. ไวยากรณ์ (Grammar): because vs but 4. การใช้ภาษา (Functional Language): agreeing and disagreeing with opinion 5. วัฒนธรรมที่เกี่ยวข้อง (Culture): การสื่อสารทาง Internet
Sound (Pronunciation): ed endings 2. vocabulary (Vocabulary): TV programmes 3. syntax (Grammar): because vs but 4. use of languages (Functional Language): agreeing and disagreeing with opinion 5. a related culture (Culture): Communication via Internet
Sound (Pronunciation): ED endings 2. vocabulary (Vocabulary): TV programs 3. Grammar (Grammar): but because VS 4. Language (Functional Language): Agreeing and Disagreeing with Opinion 5. cultural relevance. (Culture): Communication on the Internet.
Sound (Pronunciation): ed endings 2. Vocabulary (Vocabulary): TV programmes 3. Grammar (Grammar): because vs but 4. Using the language. (Functional Language): agreeing and disagreeing with opinion 5 culture related (Culture): communication in Internet