Teen cell phone stuck problemOne of the main reasons why teenagers have mobile phones. Teen cell phone use in order to contact the father and mother, in case they miss you dad. Mother, or want to contact the various business and to facilitate communication with any person. Mobile usage statistics of the people currently in Thailand Disclosure of survey information and communication technology of Thailand that household.During the year 2546 (2003)-2549 (2006) whether to use the mobile phones of people Thailand tend increases continuously. During the past three years during the year 2546 (2003)-2549 (2006) 2549 by the number of people using mobile phones Thailand increased from the year 2546, almost twice the population of 100 people there are from mobile phones. Use a 23 year 2546 increase to 42 people in the year 2549.By a group of teenagers, with the proportion rising as phone users, which over all age groups. Teen Thailand and use cell phones as Asia's # 1 and talk through your mobile phone up to 1.7 hours per day.The teenagers use mobile phones to??? In the teen's cell phone use. In addition to the use of communications and then also use another service is to send text messages and pictures, most are inferior to 50.0 percent load, music, 46.4 percent and 14.8 percent gaming 4.8 percent Internet/chat. Teen Thailand and use cell phones as Asia's # 1 and talk through your mobile phone up to 1.7 hours per day. The cost of mobile, teenCost per month about cell phones is:Less than 500 baht, 54.6 percent.501-1,000 baht 35.1 percent from 1.1, 001-1,500 baht 7.5 percent.More than 1,500 baht 2.8 percent.While the comments about the need of mobile phones in their daily lives.Deems necessary is 87.4 percent deem unnecessary, 12.6 percent.Disadvantages of mobile phones 1. in effect, shit hot, lonely, depressing. 2. mobile cause "disease." Waiting is not a wait for anything because I have a mobile short messaging in minutes and receive a quick reply.3. cancer drugs because of a lack of mobile handheld doesn't have to be studying.4. mobile phones cause harm, research from the University of Lund, Sweden, said "the brain waves, microwaves from mobile phones, the" biological experiments "as big as there are human" and he was apprehensive that the wireless technology and expanding the people buried in the sea, the waves may be "microwave"Behavior from the long journey, mobile cheap. – Fashion crazePopular mobile change according to fashion, so trendy. Look stylish and some changes to make it look as people are both reinventing levels some people rarely use more. From the original.– Estate Zhang From a fashion snob Many people have to find more money to buy a new model mobile at all times, so the estate Zhang. – Lack of timeliness, and etiquette. From that we seldom patience that it causes several times when recalling what comes up, it will be pressed to find a person phone that we would like to say I immediately, which sometimes makes him upset or angry at us to interrupt eating. The mattress The rest of him. – Lack of human relations. Teens at home instead of talking with parents or relatives working together with it often dash to escape up a room to call friends and spend hours, a long enough to a distant relationship, regardless of others anymore.
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